In Rezlynx PMS - Distribution Hub > Restrictions > Restrictions Grid
In Distribution Hub - Configuration > Restrictions >Restrictions Grid
The Restrictions Grid Report allows you to see a visual overview of restrictions, with a colour-coded key showing you whether these are set at PMS or within Distribution Hub. This can enable you to check restrictions you have added or diagnose issues as to why a rate may not be showing.
How to use
The Restrictions Grid shows your current Property and shows tick boxes for Room Type and Channel.
To see an overview per channel, tick the box by Channel, select the relevant date range below and click
You will then see a colour-coded, day-by-day view of that channel’s mapped rate plans and their restrictions, as well as the number of rooms available to sell on that rate plan.
Scroll to the bottom of the screen to see the key to the colour coding.
If you see dates with the ~ symbol, you can click on that square in the grid in order to get more
information. It might be that certain room types or certain restriction types have been applied which
cannot be shown by one colour.
Why do I need to use this?
The Restrictions Grid is useful if you need to see e.g. a quick overview of rates mapped to your channel. If you see 0 showing in the future for a rate plan, it is likely that this rate plan is expired.
Threshold Restrictions – these could be Closure by Rates (Advanced Purchase or Lead in Times set in
Distribution Hub under Restrictions > Closure by Rates.) or Threshold Closures (Closures set per
channel to close out at a certain no. of rooms, found under Restrictions > Threshold Closures)
The Restrictions Grid can also be used to check you are happy with your setting of the above, Closure By Rates. Distribution Hub counts today as day 0, therefore when adding a 7 days’ advance purchase
rate, you would add this in as 0-6 days.
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