Dynamic connections – Mainly Travel Agents such as HRS, Trip.com and Prestiga
Rooms and Rates are pulled from the Travel Agents and detailed on the left-hand side.
You can select the Rezlynx Room and Rates from a drop-down on the right-hand side. Further modifications to the mapping can be made by selecting Edit. Derived Rates will not have this option and will inherit these from their derived/parent Rate.
GET Connections – Mainly wholesalers like AirAsia, Bakuun, Hoo, Hyperguest and TXGB
Mapping is not retrieved from these Travel Agents, instead, the Hotelier needs to map the Rezlynx Rooms and Rates that they wish to be available. Any mapping codes that the Travel Agent requires will automatically be sent to them when made active.
Content Connections – for Travel Agents that require Content, Air B&B only currently
A new window will open to add in your property content, this will be a step-by-step window covering Property Profile, Room/Listing information and Availability and Booking Settings.
Then in the Extended Channels section of Distribution
Click on the Enabled Channel you wish to add mapping to.
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