To correct an incorrectly posted credit note, follow these steps:
1. Locate the Aged Debtor Account
- Navigate to Accounts > Company > Aged Debtors.
- Find the correct debtor account.
2. Find the Incorrect Credit Note
- Within the account, go to the Transaction History – Credits section.
- Locate the credit note that has been posted incorrectly.
3. Review the Credit Note Details
- Click on Tracking to view the breakdown of the credit note.
- Identify the analysis codes that were used for the credit.
4. Post an Invoice as a Reversal
- Once you’ve identified the correct analysis code, click the Invoice button located at the bottom right of the screen.
- Enter a description for the invoice, including the original Credit Note Reference Number and any other relevant details.
- Click Add to choose the analysis code that will reverse the credit.
- Enter the value to reverse, either partially or fully, as needed.
- The description entered here will appear on the invoice.
- After entering the necessary information, click Post.
- If more analysis codes need to be reversed, click Add and repeat the process.
- Once all necessary entries have been made, create the document.
5. Allocate the Credit Note to the Debit
- Allocate the original credit note to this new debit by clicking Allocate.
- Select the appropriate invoice and click Save.
6. Verify the Balance
- The balance of the credit will now be adjusted, reflecting the correction.
This process ensures that an incorrectly posted credit note is properly reversed by posting an invoice as a counteracting entry, keeping your ledger accurate.
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