Reservations can be created from Availability, the Planner, Guest Card, and Create. The Reservation Create function is accessed from the Guest Journey Menu under the Reservations column.
It takes you into a blank reservation. Room/rate data or guest information pulls into the reservation when making a booking from the Availability screen, Planner, or Guest Card.
Reservation Tabs
There are 6 tabs where the following information can be added to the Reservation.
- Main - Guest & Contact Information, Room & Rate data, Booking Information, Balances & Deposits and Company/Agent/Source Information for Reporting.
- Guarantee - Displays Billing information, Ledger Details and Payment Interfaces.
- Notes & Logs - Notes here can be used for reports, and information available which follows the guests journey. Reservation Attributes allow additional fields. Logs display changes to the booking.
- Upsells - Optional extras which can be added to the reservation at the time of making the booking.
- Profile Data - Guest and Contact profile detail when linked, will display here.
- To Do Items - To do items can be viewed and added to the reservation from this tab.
- Tasks is functionality that permits users to record actions that need to be performed at a future date.
For more information on the above, please click on each hyperlink.
Mandatory Fields
There are 4 mandatory fields in a reservation, 3 on the Main tab and 1 on the Guarantee tab. These are denoted using a red asterisk*;
- Guest Details
- Market Segment (in the Room & Rate section)
- Media Source
- Type
Once the mandatory fields have been completed you can save your reservation.
Save / Close / Back
Once you have Saved your reservation, a Booking Reference Number will appear in the bottom left of the reservation. It will also say who created and edited the reservation with a date and time stamp.
If you select Close instead of save, the reservation will save and return to the screen you were on prior to making the reservation. It will not display the Booking Reference.
Back will take you to the screen you were on prior to the reservation. Anything not saved prior to selecting Back will be lost.
Options (...)
Once your reservation has been Saved an options menu will appear
This menu allows you to;
- Add to Q - will only appear on the check in date
- Cancel Reservations
- Check in
- Copy Booking
- Deposit - to check, add or remove
- Go to Multi-Room
- Templates - to send confirmations, pre-stay emails etc.
The below three options will auto-direct to the print screen. If you wish to save, then you can select in the printer destination, save as PDF.
- Print Booking Details
- Print Pro-Forma
- Print Reg Card
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