This article will enable you to manage the mapping of your own rooms and rates between Rezynx, Distribution Hub and Agoda.
The rate plan and room type must be created at Agoda before mapping in Distribution Hub
Step 1 - Add Mapping Conversions in Distribution Hub
In Rezlynx PMS - Distribution Hub > Connections > Mapping
In Distribution Hub - Channels > Connections > Mapping
- Select the correct Property from the drop-down menu
- Select Agoda from the Channel drop-down menu
- Select Room Rate Tab
- Select the Refresh button.
This will pull the most up-to-date room and rate information from Agoda and store it. This is extremely important, as this is what allows you to choose Agoda rooms and rates from the dropdowns. Additionally, Distribution Hub uses this stored data to send updates to Agoda, so it is vital that this step is performed when mapping something new.
- Select Add Row
- Select the Rezlynx rate plan to be mapped from the PMS Rate drop-down list
Select the Rezlynx room type to be mapped from PMS Room drop-down list
Note - the room type will only show if it is available on the PMS rate plan
8. Select the Agoda rate plan from the Channel Rate drop-down list
9. Select the Agoda room type from the Channel Room drop-down list
10. Tick Not Managed if Distribution Hub is not to send availability, rates, and restrictions to Agoda for this conversion, use this option for ‘Derived’ rates
11. Multiple rows can be added at the same time. Once you have added all the mapping conversions you need to, select Save
12. Ensure that ‘Default’ PMS rate and room codes are defined. This will ensure any reservations on un-mapped room/rates can still enter the system.
- Any rate plans being mapped to Agoda must NOT exceed more than 28 Max LOS. This setting can be found on the rate plan header in Rezlynx (Nights Per Room from)
- If the following error appears, please contact Guestline Support
Once conversions have been successfully added and saved in Distribution Hub > Mapping, the following Steps MUST BE FOLLOWED to ensure all Rates and Availability update successfully from Distribution Hub to the Agoda Extranet!
Step 2 - Re-sync From Rezlynx PMS
In Rezlynx PMS - System >Tools > Re-Sync
- Under Distribution Hub, Rate Related, change Nights to 365
- Tick Flex Rates. From the drop-down menu select the rate(s) you have mapped.
Note: rate plans will only show in Flex Rates if they are using a Flex Table. This step can be skipped for rate plans using a static Rate Table.
- Tick Restrictions. From the drop-down menu select the rate(s) you have mapped. (replicate for Ceilings if in place)
- Click Confirm
- Re-Sync's should only be performed when a new room and/or rate plan is mapped and for only that Rate Plan.
Step 3 - Check Rates Per Day in Distribution Hub
In Rezlynx PMS - Distribution Hub > Rates > Rates Per Day
In Distribution Hub - Configuration > Rates > Rates Per Day
- Select the newly mapped rates and ensure the rates are correct.
- Untick All Rate Plans and tick the rate required
- Click Display
- Agoda does not appear in the ‘Channel Filter for Rates:’ field as an option to select. Rates for Agoda will appear in separate rate tables on the page, clearly labelled ‘Agoda’
- Apply Price Variance if required
Step 4 - Check Restrictions Grid in Distribution Hub
In Rezlynx PMS - Distribution Hub > Restrictions > Restrictions Grid
In Distribution Hub - Configuration > Restrictions > Restrictions Grid
- Select Agoda as the channel and ensure that the new rates are displaying with correct Availability and Restrictions.
- Apply Closure by Rate in Distribution Hub if required
- Apply Threshold Closure Distribution Hub if required
Step 5 - Resync from Distribution Hub
In Rezlynx PMS - Distribution Hub > Connections > Resync
In Distribution Hub - Channels > Resyncronisation > Resyncronisation
- Select today as the start date and the end date as 365 days in the future
- Select Agoda
- Tick Inventory, Rates and Restrictions
- Highlight the rate(s) you have just mapped
- Click Start Resync
- Re-Sync's should only be performed when a new room and/or rate plan is mapped.
Step 6 - Monitoring Checks
In Rezlynx PMS - Distribution Hub > Connections > Monitoring (further details here)
In Distribution Hub > Monitoring > Monitoring
There are 2 areas in which monitoring checks can be completed. Which you use, will be dependant on the setup of your Distribution Hub account.
- For an Agoda connection via a dual Distribution setup - Follow Standard Monitoring Checks
- For an Agoda connection via a "typical" setup - Follow New Monitoring Checks
Standard Monitoring Checks
- To revert to Standard Monitoring, you will need to select "Temporarily view Standard Monitoring" from the main monitoring page.
- Ensure the interface is updating without red or amber lights on Rates & Availability.
Note: check the ‘Last Active’ timestamp to make sure the updates you have just sent have been sent to Agoda. If this timestamp does not show the current time, then the updates are still processing.
- Once the updates have completed, check that Rates, Availability and Restrictions have updated as expected to the Agoda Extranet
- The rooms and rates are now mapped.
New Monitoring Checks
- Ensure the interface is updating without red or amber lights on Availability.
Note: check the ‘Last Updated’ timestamp to make sure the updates you have just sent have been sent to Agoda. If this timestamp does not show the current time, then the updates are still processing.
- Once the updates have completed, check that Rates, Availability and Restrictions have updated as expected to the Agoda Extranet
- The rooms and rates are now mapped.
Check the Agoda website for incorrect rates and/or restrictions. Check the first couple of reservations are correct
- If rates, availability, and restrictions are showing correctly on Agoda extranet, but not on their website, then please contact your Agoda Support Team for assistance.
If after all checks have been made and you still require assistance please contact
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