Guest Journey > Billing > Room Billing
The dropdown allows for filtering the results by typing, whilst at the same time still being able to scroll through a complete list.
The following search criteria will be used: Room Id, Booking Reference or Guest Name.
When searching using just a number, it will only search based on Room Id. It will also search using an exact match in this scenario.
Bills will be displayed for Bedrooms, Standard C&B functions, NRA and Master Accounts.
For Advanced C&B bills go to Adv C&B Module > Events > Billing.
Once you have selected the relevant room bill you will have the following options available to you:
Add Payment
Allows you to post the payment received for the outstanding bill. Unless you have it integrated you will also need to take the payment on your PED/PDQ machine.
New Charge
Adding additional charges to the bill.
This can be done by:
Free Type - If no pre-defined product exists, it allows the selection of the analysis code for the revenue to be recorded. The description will appear on the guest’s bill.
Products - Will display a list of pre-defined products in the system to choose from, these will have an analysis code already chosen for the revenue to be recorded. The description that will appear on the guest’s bill is stated in the brackets of the chosen product.
Rate Plan - This can be used to post on a night charge if the room is no longer able to be sold but the guest is being charged for.
Bill items must be ticked before the below options become available:
Adjust - To change the price of an existing charge if incorrectly charged prior.
Delete - To remove completely any charges that have been incorrectly posted.
Split - To divide an existing charge to be able to transfer to an additional folio or room. Please note you can not split payment.
Edit Description/Comments - To change the description of the charge as it appears on the bill to the guest.
Group Transactions - take three individual charges to appear as one. Note this can only be done if the charges are posted on the same date for the same code. Please note, that this cannot be used for nightly accommodation charges, and some 3rd party till charges do not allow this functionality.
Ungroup transactions - To reverse the above transaction.
Transfer To
Bill items must be ticked before the below options become available:
Room - To transfer an existing charge to another room. Please note you can only transfer to rooms already checked in.
Bill Split - To Transfer an existing charge to another spilt, this can be used if accommodation needs to be on one bill and extras on another.
Folio - a folio relates to a person booked into that room. Charges can be transferred to that person if they need a bill with their name and their address present.
Ledger - To Transfer charges to the ledger account if the company/agent will be sending payment at a later date as per an agreement.
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