Cancellation codes have to be selected when cancelling an Advanced C&B Event. The cancellation codes are included on the Cancelled Bookings report and can be used to track the reasons why guests have cancelled an Event.
Cancellation Reasons
Select New.
Enter/Select the following details:
Code - Code used to identify the Cancellation Reason (Maximum of 3 digits).
Description – Description of the Cancellation Reason.
Category – Select which area of the system the code should be displayed. You can select both Cancellation and Lost together if needed, however Reinstate is a single selection.
Inactive – Should the Reason no longer be needed, this will retain the data but not show the Cancellation Reason, when an event is Cancelled/Lost/Reinstated.
Press Save.
Lost To Types
When you select Lost on a Cancellation Reason, you will also need to select a Lost To Type. Lost To Types are other venues/competitors.
Select Lost To Types Tab.
Select New.
Code - Code used to identify the Lost To Type (Maximum of 3 digits).
Description – Description of the Lost To Type.
Inactive – Should the Lost To Type no longer be needed, this will retain the data but not show the Lost To Type, when an event is Lost.
Press Save.
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