Below are some quick-fire tips for your commonly asked questions, this list is based on Support tickets that customers' like you have logged with us on a frequent basis.
How do I create a PLU?
Log in to Back Office -> PLU Setup -> PLU Items -> Select Charge Code -> Add -> Enter details like description and price then click Save.
Comprehensive articles: Creating a new PLU Item (Food) & Creating a new PLU item (Drink)
How can I add new charge codes?
Log in to Back Office -> Setup -> Charge Code Setup -> Type in code to empty box at the bottom -> Add -> Amend department, serve as etc to required specifications -> Save.
How do I map new codes in my till system to the codes in my PMS?
Log in to Back Office -> Setup -> Revenue Centres -> Select Revenue Centre and Hotel from drop down boxes -> Navigate to required code and select the Hotel code to map to.
How do I create a new pay types?
Log in to Back Office -> Setup -> Paytype Setup -> Type the name in to blank box under ‘Add new pay type’ -> Add -> Edit Payment Screen -> Select new pay type from sub tree on the left, then drag on to screen.
How can I change the hotel Info on till receipts?
Log in to Back Office -> POS Setup -> Receipt Messages -> Change details as required in the boxes -> Save.
Comprehensive article: How to configure receipt messages
How do I re-post Zreads from the till into my PMS?
Log in to Back Office -> Reprint Z Read -> Search for Z read that has not posted (will have a red X next to it) -> Select failed Z Read -> Click ‘Repost Failed Z Read’ button.
How can I do a refund to a customer?
Log in to Till -> Select ‘Refund’ so it turns red -> Select item/s to refund -> Payment Screen -> Select monetary amount to refund to -> Select pay type -> Finish Payment.
How do you take more than one payment on a bill?
Payment Screen -> Select the amount to pay to first pay type -> Click pay type -> Select the amount to pay to second pay type -> Click pay type -> Finish Payment.
How do I use PLU search?
Log in to Till -> Select ‘Text Search’ under the number pad -> Start typing in the item name -> Items will appear that match on the menu.
How to attach Message to order?
Log in to Till -> Add PLU to order -> Click the tick box to the left of the PLU, in the order -> Select ‘Attach Message’ -> Add standard message or tap to edit a new one, at the top of screen -> Click ‘Accept’.
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