You can log both a lost or a found item and use the lost property page as a report to keep track of all the items you are currently holding or looking for.
To add a new item click “new”.
The screen is split into five sections.
Always complete the first section by choosing which type of lost property record you are creating and giving as much detail on the item.
The second section will link the guest’s reservation to the item.
If someone has lost an item ensure you complete the last seen details, this can add extra information that may be helpful when looking for the item. You can enter the date and location in this section from the drop-down boxes. If the location is built IN Rezlynx you can also select the room id.
If you find a piece of lost property complete the found details. You can add the date the item was found along with where and who by.
The final section is the return details. This will allow you to store information like the tracking number and how the item was returned to its owner. You can log the date of return, who by and how. This is especially useful if the item has been posted.
Once you press save you will see an add image button. You can add a file up to 100kb to this section, you can view the image from the top of the screen.
If you are searching for a particular item you can enter the dates that the item was lost or found, or leave the date ranges empty to search the whole database. By default, the results will be ordered by the date they were recorded on Rezlynx. You can change the order by selecting order by from the drop-down menu.
When using the filters please click refresh for the screen to change.
This report can be printed by selecting the view option. If you only keep items for 6 months, this can be used to then update the inventory.
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