Occupancy Based Pricing (per person) is now supported with Guestline and Booking.com. This allows the updating of rates to Booking.com to be by individual occupant rather than as a single room rate (per room).
This is only available with direct connections between Guestline and Booking.com.
How to set Rate Plans for occupancy-based pricing
Rate Plans can be updated from Per Room pricing to Per Person pricing in Distribution Hub.
Configuration > Rates > Manage Rates
Edit the rate plan you wish to update
Update the Charge Mode to Per Person and Save
How to update my mapping
If you have created new rates that you wish to map to Booking.com, please see the following mapping guide, where you can edit and delete existing mapping also.
Booking.com Self-Serve Mapping
How to set my rates to OBP in Booking.com
Once you have completed set up/mapping of your rates in Guestline, please contact distribution@guestline.com to request Occupancy Based Pricing at Booking.com, to be enabled.
Please note this will affect all rate plans active with Booking.com.
How to view rates on Booking.com once configured for OBP
When OBP has been confirmed as being active, please check your rates in Booking.com. Once logged onto your Booking.com Portal, navigate to Rates & Availability > Calendar
Expand the appropriate Rate Plan under the desired Room Type, here you will then see the breakdown of rates by occupant.
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