If you have added new payment types or analysis codes into your Rezlynx system and you want these to be exported into you financial system, this article will guide you through the steps to ensure that revenue is included on the Financial Export report.
Step One
Open the financial export application (there should be a desktop shortcut, sometimes located on an accounts machine). If you’re unsure please contact Guestline Support.
Step Two
Click configure
Step Three
Click configure, the application will already know there is a new analysis code to configure:
Step Four
Navigate to the analysis codes setup area and locate your analysis code.
Based on your setup, fill in the required fields.
You may want to copy the setup of one of the other codes to what columns need configuring, the codes would need to be correct to ensure correct mapping to the accounting suite the hotel uses. The codes are obtained through the accounting suite (i.e. Sage, Xero etc). Once completed make sure to select Save Analysis Code at the top and then save in the bottom right hand corner.
If you are noticing that you are not seeing your new code please go to step five, otherwise skip to step six.
Step Five
If you are noticing that the new analysis code isn’t show you will need to force a manual sync. To force a manual sync go to Site Listing and then Sync All Sites to force a manual sync. If you are still having issues please contact Guestline Support.
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