Room Type Availability
When a room type reaches an availability of 0, that room type is closed. This same logic applies with or without overbooking values defined, as overbooking increases the availability.
As an example, I have 6 ACC_DOUBLE rooms. Once I have sold all 6 rooms:
- ACC_DOUBLE will still be available for sale on the DBM, as with the overbooking value included I still have 2 rooms to sell
- DOUBLE will no longer be available for sale on other channels without the overbooking activated
Once I have sold all 8 ACC_DOUBLE rooms:
- ACC_DOUBLE will no longer be available for sale on the DBM
Hotel Availability
When the hotel reaches an availability of 0, the whole hotel is closed, irrespective of what may still be available on each room type. Hotel availability is the master control of availability. This same logic applies with or without overbooking values defined.
As an example, let us say we have a hotel availability of 100. I have two room types that make up this hotel availability:
- 50 TWIN
A booking is made for 100 DOUBLE rooms. This takes my availability to the following:
- HOTEL: 0
- DOUBLE: -50
- TWIN: 50
The whole hotel will be closed, even though I have 50 TWIN rooms still available to sell.
Likewise, if I have a hotel overbooking of 5, the whole hotel will be closed once hotel availability reaches -5, irrespective of what may be available on my room types.
Distribution Hub Functionality
Distribution Hub has additional elements of configuration that effect Rates, Restrictions and Availability that is distributed to channels. The remainder of the release notes will discuss each element of functionality and what, if any, effect Overbooking will have on it.
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