Below are a list of common errors and their solutions/information on what to do next;
Invalid credit card / unable to send card details
Click on view and check payment type – e.g. Amex. Site do not accept AMEX but this is set as a valid Credit Card with the channel so all reservations with that guarantee will come in as warnings. Hotel need to contact their account manager and remove AMEX from accepted card list.
Rate plan: null not converted. ROOMLYNXBB applied: null Room type: Standard Double not converted. DOUBLE applied.: Standard Double
- Warning indicates that the conversions are not correct. Check conversions against channel details that they are correct.
Card code: MasterCard not converted. VISA applied.: MasterCard
- Warning indicates that the conversions are not correct. Check conversions details and ensure that they are correct.
Unable to cancel reservation - There is nothing to be cancelled
This is because the original reservation for the cancellation could not be found. This will either be because the original reservation has already been cancelled manually by the hotel or because it was made prior to the interface being switched on and the reservation not having its CRS reference completed. Advise site to check and if the reservation is still active and cancel manually.
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