The Rate Search functionality in Rezlynx has been enhanced to provide a more streamlined and user-friendly experience. We have made significant improvements to the viewing options and results display, with the aim of simplifying the process and improving efficiency.
Previously, there were three separate viewing options, each with its own data presentation style. Although Room by Rate was the most commonly used option, a minority of users preferred the legacy views due to specific features not available in the Room by Rate view. After careful consideration and feedback from our users, we have consolidated these three displays into a single view.
Here are the key changes you can expect:
Simplified and re-ordered filters: We have carefully pruned and re-ordered the filters on the page to provide a more logical and intuitive workflow. This will make it easier for you to find the information you need.
Improved rate results display: We have enhanced the rate results display to provide more space and clarity. The pop-up for rate details is now larger, allowing for better visibility and comprehension. Additionally, we have replaced abbreviated room type codes with the full code, and the rate plan description will now be shown alongside the rate plan code, eliminating the need for tool-tip usage.
Clearer indication of unavailable rates: Previously, unavailable rates were displayed using a color key that could be confusing. We have improved this by displaying the unavailable rates in orange. If a rate is unavailable, you can simply hover over the result to view the reasons for its unavailability. Green indicates that a rate is available.
Improved display of Company Rates: When searching for a Company Rate, it will no longer suppress other rates. Company Rates will be displayed first and will be indicated by a briefcase icon. Other rates will follow, allowing for easy comparison between different rate options.
The Rate Search can be accessed from 'Guest Journey>Property>Rate Search'. But it can also be accessed from the following areas as well;
'Guest Journey>Property>Planner'
'Guest Journey>Property>Availability'
'Guest Journey>Reservations>Create'
Once launched filters can be applied to narrow down the results;
- From - The start date for the booking line being added. Often this is the arrival date
- Nights
- To - The end date for the booking line being added. Often this is the departure date
- Adults
- Children
- Infants
- Room Type
- Rate Plan
- Market Segment - Restricts results to Rate Plans configured with the selected Market Segment
- Company - Unlocks company rates. They will be indicated using a Briefcase Icon and will show at the top of the search results
- Promotional Code - Unlocks rates restricted by a Promotional Code
- Hide When Restricted by- Unavailable rates will be hidden from view. It is possible to see them, if the are NOT set to be hidden. Options available in this menu are;
- Ceilings
- Promo Code
- User Access
- Length of Stay
- Occupants
- Company
- Other
Default values and settings for Nett/Gross display and ordering of rates are still controlled from within 'System>System>ini Settings>Reservations' in the 'Rate Plan Search' panel.
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