Power On | Press/hold |
Connect the device | If a SIM card is installed, the device may connect automatically to the payment gateway, or ask for the APN key (mobius.m2m). If Wi-Fi or LAN cable is used, press |
Sale |
Tap Quick pay icon onscreen. Enter amount 0.00, Tap [Symbol]; Enter gratuity (if configured), Tap [Symbol] - (To abort transaction press red cancel button) Insert/tap/swipe card - The merchant receipt prints, Press Confirm; the cardholder receipt prints |
User Settings |
Tap Menu icon onscreen; scroll down using V icon, select 07 |
Reprint |
Tap Quick Menu icon onscreen (9 dots) - Reprint - only reprints the last successful receipt |
Completion |
Tap Menu icon onscreen; Select 02; Enter amount 0.00; Tap [Symbol]; Insert/tap/swipe card - The merchant receipt prints; Press Confirm; the cardholder receipt prints |
Cancel/Void |
Tap icon and select RevLstTn option. Enter Manager Password (see User Guide) |
Refund |
Tap icon and select Refund option. Enter amount 0.00, Tap [Symbol]; Enter gratuity (if configured), Tap [Symbol] - (To abort transaction press red cancel button) - Insert/tap/swipe card. The merchant receipt prints, Press OK button to confirm; the cardholder receipt prints |
Print shift totals |
Tap Menu icon onscreen. Select 03, the shift report will issue from printer (does not reset counters i.e. X read) |
Close shift |
Tap Menu icon onscreen. Select 04, the shift report will issue from printer (resets counters to zero i.e. Z read) |
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