What does 70000 Mean?
Error code 70000 is the code our system assigns to a Declined payment.
Why has this transaction been declined?
You can check the Acquirer response in MyST - which can provide a code as to why a transaction has declined:
Common Responses can be:
05 - Do not Honour. Unfortunately, we do not get any further information than that, so you would need to contact your acquiring bank to know more
08 - System Time Out
51 - Insufficient Funds
65 - Exceeds Frequency Limit
For any other codes, please do reach out to support@guestline.com so we can investigate further
Can I re-authorise transactions in MyST?
There is a fully integrated Re-Auth button that is available at the bottom of every transaction you have processed in MyST, allowing you to re-attempt another payment against that card.
Are refunds, authorisations, settlements and fraud/risk checks supported?
Yes, these features are fully supported.
What does Status 2 (Suspended) mean and how can I unsuspend?
This means that your transaction has been authorised by the bank, but it will not settle automatically without your manual intervention. This could have either happened automatically due to our fraud / duplicate system, or could have been suspended manually by yourselves.
The UPDATE button that can be found at the bottom of the transaction (or the transaction list) is the facility you will use to change the status of a transaction. In the case of a suspended payment, you should change the transaction to Status 1 – Manual Settlement.
For further information on how to do this - please click here
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