How to create a Stock Item
To add a stock item
- Click Add Stock Item
- From the pop up widow configure the following areas
- SKU Measure - the purchase measure of the stock item
- Reporting Measure - the serving measure of the stock item
- Brand
- [Stock Description is auto configured]
- Stock Code - this auto populates but you can enter anything here such as order number etc
- SKU Cost Price (Nett) - the nett price of the stock item
- Click Save and confirm by clicking Ok. The Buy/Sell Ration and Unit Cost Price figures will update
- Click Link PLU's
- In the new Window make sure that all of the linked PLU's have a tick in the box and click Save
- Confirm by clicking Ok
- Click Save again and confirm by clicking Ok.
- Click Exit
- The linked PLU's will now display all of the GP information
To edit an existing stock item
- Use the Search box to find the stock item you want to edit
- Select the stock item and click Edit Stock Item
- Make any changes to wish to make
- Click Save and confirm by clicking Ok
- Click Exit
To delete an existing stock item
- Use the Search box to find the stock item you want to edit
- Select the stock item and click Delete Stock Item
- Confirm by clicking Yes
- Click Exit
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