Go to the EPoS back office, PoS setup then edit users.
To add a new terminal print job
- From the terminals drop-down list at the top of the screen, choose the terminal where the food or drink order will be made.
- Click add print job.
- From the printer drop-down list, choose the printer where you want this print job to be sent.
- You can add multiple print jobs if needed. You can even select the same print job and printer to have multiple copies printed.
- When finished, click Save.
- Repeat steps 1 to 4 for other terminals, ensuring you save after each change.
- Once all print jobs are configured, click Exit.
To delete an existing terminal print job
- From the terminals drop-down list, select the terminal where the print job you want to delete is assigned.
- Select the print job and click remove print job.
- Confirm by clicking OK.
- Click Save and then Exit.
Note: System print jobs control the receipt, void and Z read printing and should be configured during installation. For back office terminal, a printer needs to be configured for the reprint Z read feature to work.
To configure system print jobs
- From the terminals drop-down list, choose the terminal you wish to configure.
- Next to each system print job, use the drop-down list to select the printer responsible for that specific print job for the selected terminal.
- After configuring, click Save.
- Repeat steps 1 to 3 for other terminals, ensuring you save after each change.
- Once you have configured all system print jobs, click Exit.
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