To view number of guests in the property who are arriving residents, stayover or departures. Often used to forecast staffing & food & beverage requirements for a property. The column for ‘Blocks’ also shows rooms that have not been picked up from a Group or Room Block
Filters available: Start Date, End Date, Display By (Residents/Stayovers)
Can Filters be saved: No
Are there hyperlinks: No
Date, Available, Occupancy Percentage, ROOS, DFS, Arrivals (By Rooms, Adults, Children Infants), Residents or Stayovers (By Rooms, Adults, Children Infants), Departures (By Rooms, Adults, Children Infants), Blocks
Can be compared with:
Cleaning Forecast– Number of Available Rooms, Occupancy Percentage, DFS, ROOS, Arrival/ Departure/ Resident/ Stayover Rooms
Block Forecast – For the number of Blocks
Cannot be compared with:
House Status - Shows Current residents, arrivals & departures, which fluctuates throughout the day.
Actual & Forecast - Actual & Forecast includes picked up rooms in the ‘Blocks’ Column
Actual/Forecast: Both Actual & Forecast
Tax Calculation: N/A
Export Options: Cannot export to CSV
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