The Product Distribution Report enables you to view which products have been ‘sold’ to which rooms. This can be used to see which guests have ordered which newspapers, who has breakfast included & who has requested additional products, such as flowers, champagne & chocolates. In addition to the products the ‘House Newspapers’ can also be listed in the results if selected.
Filters available: From Date, To Date, Product Group, Product, Include House Newspapers, Display Notes
Can Filters be saved: No
Are there hyperlinks: No
Room ID, Booking Reference, Guest Name, Product Code, Description, Quantity, Product Date, Value
Can be compared with:
Newspaper Orders - When house newspapers are included
Room Inventory - Inventory items will show on both reports
Daily Products - When filtered by the products on the Daily Products Report
Cannot be compared with:
Guest List (Products)- When filtered for the same day, Guest List (By Products) will show all Guest names, even when they do not have a product attached, whereas the Product Distribution will not. However, the total values for the products can be compared.
Meal Plan – Meal Plan only includes values from product rules & not products, so anything upsold on a reservation will show in Product Distribution but not on Meal Plan.
Actual/Forecast: Both Actual & Forecast
Tax Calculation: Gross
Export Options: Cannot export to CSV
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