To view all blocked rooms within a date range. These are rooms that have not been picked up, so will either need to be released or chased.
Filters available: Block Type (Blocks, Groups, Blocks & Groups), Order By (Block Reference/ Description), Year, Month, Group/ Room Block Status
Can Filters be saved: No
Are there hyperlinks: Yes
Group/Block Reference, Description, Type, Status, Month, Day of Month, Value
Can be compared with:
House Count - Column for number of Blocks
Cannot be compared with:
Actual & Forecast - Actual & Forecast Includes picked up rooms in ‘Blocks’ Column
Group Scan - The Block Forecast will not include any bookings where all of the rooms have already been picked up, so the Group Scan Report will normally show a longer list.
Actual/Forecast: Both Actual & Forecast
Tax Calculation: N/A
Export Options: Cannot export to CSV
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