This report enables you to view all cancellations, detailing when they were cancelled & the reasons why. This can be used to ensure all late cancellations have been charged if applicable.
Filters available: Start Date, End Date, Arrival/ Cancel Date, Cancellation Reference, Operator, Booking Reference, Booking Type, Order By (Cancel Date/ Booking Reference/ Arrival Date/ Cancellation Reference), Profile Reference, Individual Guest
Can Filters be saved: No
Are there hyperlinks: No
Cancellation reference, Date & Time of Cancellation, Reason Code, Cancellation Notes, Surname & First Initial, Company, Agent, Booking Reference, Arrival Date, Departure Date, Profile Reference, Operator, Estimated Revenue
Can be compared with:
Daily New Reservations – When ‘Include Cancelled Status’ & ‘Include Cancelled Revenue’ are selected, the cancelled bookings will show on the report with the new bookings created & the Gross Values will match.
Cannot be compared with:
Cancelled Bookings (C&B) – The Cancelled Bookings with show the total revenue for Adv C & B Events Cancelled, however cancellations (when filtered by function) will show the revenue per function. The total value will be the same when added together.
Actual/Forecast: Actual Only
Tax Calculation: Gross
Export Options:
Export to CSV with new fields
- Cancellation Reason
- Booking Created Date & Time
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