To view the daily totals for reservations booked & cancelled within a date range. Can be used to see ‘pick-up’ of reservations-based business.
Filters available: Property, Market Segment, Media Source, Start Date & Time, End Date & Time, Booking Type
Can Filters be saved: No
Are there hyperlinks: No
ADR, Day, Date, Property, New Reservation Revenue, Nights, Cancelled Reservation Revenue, Cancelled Nights
Can be compared with:
Daily New Reservations – With Advanced C & B can only be compared using Booking Type 'Bedroom’ as the ADR & Reservation Revenue figures will not match
Statistics – When selecting one media source code at a time & statistics X & Y Axis set to ‘No. of Bookings’ & ‘Media Code’ & ‘Booking Created Date’
Cannot be compared with:
Bookings Pivot – when filtered by ‘all’ or ‘function’ booking type.
Actual/Forecast: Actual Only
Tax Calculation: Gross & Nett
Export Options: Export to CSV with no additional fields given
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