To view a summary outlining forecasted occupancy & revenue for a date range, day by day. It can also include product group revenue & covers if configured within the product groups to be ‘included in house forecast report’. This can be useful for forecasting breakfast & dinner covers.
Filters available: Property, Market Segment, Media Source, Start Date, End Date, Rate Plan, Booking Type, Booking Status, Group Booking Status,
Can Filters be saved: No
Are there hyperlinks: No
ARR, ADR, Date, Available, Occupied, Occupancy Percentage, Total Revenue, Cumulative Revenue, Accommodation Revenue, Additional Fields from Product Groups (Revenue/ Covers)
Can be compared with:
Actual & Forecast – When both selecting same tax calculation & Booking Type- available rooms, occupancy, total revenue & ARR will be the same values
Revenue By Market Segment – Total Values will match
Cannot be compared with:
Actual/Forecast: Both Actual & Forecast
Tax Calculation: Gross & Nett
Export Options: Export to CSV with no additional fields given
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