To view revenue & room nights by Media Source Code & Media Source Group
Filters available: Property, For Period & Period ID, Media Source, Media Source Group, End of Day/ Week/ Month/ Year Opened/Closed From.
Can Filters be saved: No
Are there hyperlinks: No
Media Code, Room Nights, Adults, Children, Average Rate Per Room, Average Rate Per Guest, Average Spend Per Room, Accommodation Revenue, Other Revenue, Total Revenue
Can be compared with:
Period End Archive - when selecting Period ID the total revenue will match
Actual & Forecast – Forecast revenue total will match
Cannot be compared with:
Revenue by Room - there is not a filter for booking type of function, so unless the configuration is separate for media source codes in C&B and the PMS it will show all revenue
Actual/Forecast: Both Actual & Forecast
Tax Calculation: Gross & Nett
Export Options: Export to CSV with no additional fields given
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