To view how many of the displayed products are contained within bedroom reservations per day within the date range chosen. 10 Products can be displayed on this report & are configured from within the individual product configuration. This can be used to forecast items that need to be ordered, such as flowers.
Filters available: From Date, To Date
Can Filters be saved: No
Are there hyperlinks: No
Day & Date, Rooms Sold, Adults, Children, Infants, Additional Column for number of products added in products configuration (Up to 10 additional columns can be added)
Can be compared with:
Product Distribution - When filtered by the products on the Daily Products Report
Newspaper Orders - When all products on the Daily Products Report are the newspapers
Cannot be compared with:
Guest List (Products)- When filtered for the same day, Guest List (By Products) will show all Guest names, even when they do not have a product attached, whereas the Daily Products will not. However, the total values for the products can be compared.
Actual/Forecast: Both Actual & Forecast
Tax Calculation: N/A
Export Options: Cannot export to CSV
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