To view all open balances within the system. Includes bedrooms, events, masters & NRA Accounts. Can be used by Reception to check the guest room balance does not exceed the guest credit limit.
Filters available: Order By (Surname/Room ID/Booking Reference/Arrival Date/Multi-Room Reference/ Company/Agent/Numeric Booking Reference), Multiple Occupants, Guarantee Notes
Can Filters be saved: Yes
Are there hyperlinks: Yes
Title, Forename, Surname, Arrival Date, Departure Date, Booking Reference/Folio ID, Company, Agent, Room ID, Room Type, Adults, Children, Infants, Rate Plan, Room Balance, Room Credit Limit
Can be compared with:
Current Periods - In House/Balance of Folios balance will match total on Room Balance Report
Cannot be compared with:
Guest List - Residents will not show the balances
Actual/Forecast: Current Only
Tax Calculation: Gross
Export Options:
Export to CSV with new fields
- Folio Balance
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