Viewing all payments & deposits added within a date range or period. Normally used to ensure all banking is correct & values have be inputted into Rezlynx correctly
Filters available: Start Date & Time, End Date & Time, For Period, Period ID, Summary, Operator, Payment Type, Transaction Source, Include CRS (Only if CRS enabled Property)
Can Filters be saved: No
Are there hyperlinks: No
Payment Type, Date & Time, Payment Received, Guest Name, Booking Reference, Room ID, Document ID, Operator, Comment, Amount
Can be compared with:
Operator Shifts – by operator (if Operator shift has been closed once already this may not match, dependent on time/ for period selected in Payment Analysis)
Current Periods – ‘For Period (Not Closed)’ – to compare payment totals
Cannot be compared with:
Deposit Analysis – unless it is filtered by transaction source ‘deposits’
Actual/Forecast: Actual Only
Tax Calculation: Gross
Export Options:
Export to CSV with new fields
- Exchange Rate
- Foreign Current Amount
- Currency Code
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