The ‘Cleaning Forecast’ Report is used for Housekeeping or Front of House teams to display their cleaning schedule and occupancy data for a specified date range.
Filters available: Property, Date Range, Show Detailed, Room Type, Duration, Include Summary.
Can Filters be saved: No
Are there hyperlinks: No
Available rooms, Occupancy, ROOS, DFS, Arrivals, Residents, Stayovers, Departure and Rooms Moves. The total number of rooms by Housekeeping Status set will also display once bedroom reservations or maintenance periods have been entered.
Can be compared with:
House Count- Number of Available Rooms, Occupancy Percentage, DFS, ROOS, Arrival/ Departure/ Resident/ Stayover Rooms
Room Move- Number of Room Moves per day will be equal
Availability- Rooms Available & Occupancy
Cannot be compared with:
House Status- Shows Current residents, arrivals & departures, which fluctuates throughout the day.
Actual/Forecast: Both Actual & Forecast
Tax Calculation: N/A
Export Options: Cannot export to CSV
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