The Guest List Report enables you to view detailed lists of guests or reservations between a date range. Can be used for arrivals checks, complimentary rooms report & breakfast lists.
Filters available: Arrivals, Residents, Departures, Created, Products Reservation Items, Profile Items, Profile Feedback, Booking Type, Booking Reference, Booking Status, Rate Plan, Room Type, Show Rates (None/First Night/Total), Detailed, Include Delegates, Report by Occupants, Rate Plan Summary, Group By Groups, Order By (Surname/Room ID/Booking Reference/Arrival/Multi-Room Reference/Company/ Agent/Numeric Booking Reference)
Can Filters be saved: No
Are there hyperlinks: No
Dependent on which filters used: Guest Name, Arrival Date, Departure Date, ETA, Status, Booking Reference, Company Profile, Room ID, Room Type, Adults, Children, Infants, Rate Plan, Rate (1st Night, No Rate or Total) VIP Number, Deposit Paid, Previous Stays, Previous Nights, Last Room, Products, Notes, Feedback
Can be compared with:
House Status – When Arrivals ‘actual’ for today, Residents ‘actual’ for today, Departures ‘predicted’ for today
Design Query – For arrivals & departures
Daily New Reservations – Created Bookings
Reservations – For arrivals, resident, departures
Room Move – Room will have an exclamation point next to it when it is a room move reservation
Cannot be compared with:
Product Distribution & Daily Products- When filtered for the same day, Guest List (By Products) will show all Guest names, even when they do not have a product attached, whereas the Product Distribution & Daily Products will not. However, the total values for the products can be compared.
Actual/Forecast: Both Actual & Forecast
Tax Calculation: Gross
Export Options: Cannot export to CSV
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