To view the number of rooms & guests attached to a meal plan-. E.g. Breakfast, Dinner, Group Breakfast etc. These are included based on figures from the product rules within the meal plan groups that are set.
Filters available: Start Date, End Date, Meal Plans (Max 9 selected at a time)
Can Filters be saved: No
Are there hyperlinks: No
Day & Date, Meal Plan (By Rooms, Adults, Children, Infants), Total Rooms, Adults, Children, Infants
Can be compared with:
The number of guests on rate plans where the product rules are attached
Cannot be compared with:
Product Distribution – Meal Plan only includes values from product rules & not products, so anything upsold on a reservation will show in Product Distribution but not on Meal Plan.
Actual/Forecast: Both Actual & Forecast
Tax Calculation: N/A
Export Options: Cannot export to CSV
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