To view all groups and/or multi-room bookings that are due to arrive between the date range specified, with numbers & projected revenue.
Filters available: Groups, Multi-rooms, Include Notes, Arrival Date From, Arrival Date To, Booking Status, Order By (Arrival Date/Group Name/Group Reference)
Can Filters be saved: No
Are there hyperlinks: Yes
Group Reference, Group Name, Group Notes (If Include Notes is selected), Arrival Date, Departure Date, Single Occupant, Multiple Occupants, Total Guest, Projected Revenue Accommodation, Projected Revenue F&B, Projected Revenue Other Projected Revenue Total, Booking Status
Can be compared with:
Group Search - arrival today
Cannot be compared with:
Block Forecast - The Block Forecast will not include any bookings where all of the rooms have already been picked up, so the Group Scan Report will normally show a longer list.
Actual & Forecast - The number of multi-rooms & Blocks includes already resident groups & multi-rooms, whereas the Group Scan shows arrivals for that day
Actual/Forecast: Both Actual & Forecast
Tax Calculation: Gross & Nett
Export Options: Export to CSV with no additional fields given
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