To review all bedrooms on the waitlist & to convert them into bookings if the availability is now there to do so & the guest books. Used regularly for busy periods to maximize the potential revenue
Filters available: Arrival Date From, Arrival Date To, Room Type, Priority, Rate Plan, Waitlist Reason, Report by Occupants
Can Filters be saved: Yes
Are there hyperlinks: Yes
Booking Reference, Arrival Date, End Date, Room Type, Rate Plan Code, Waitlist Priority, Guest Name, Company, Number of Nights, Reason Code, Reason Description
Can be compared with:
Number of waitlist bookings on the Availability Home Tab & Dashboard Home Tab.
Actual & Forecast – Number of waitlist
Cannot be compared with:
Advanced Conference & Banqueting Waitlist- this is for events only, however both can be used.
Actual/Forecast: Both Actual & Forecast
Tax Calculation: N/A
Export Options: Export to CSV with no additional fields given
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