The Actual & Forecast Report is used to view Actual & Forecasted revenue by the main three revenue types- Accommodation, F & B, and Other.
Other can include, NRA, Post Cash or a manual invoice/credit raised on a Debtor account.
Figures above the grey line are Actual & figures below the line are Forecast.
Can be used to view ‘business on the books’ of how many rooms have been sold & how many are still available.
Depending on your setup, you may find when comparing to the End of Day report, some sections do not show the same figure.
For example, if you have an accommodation section on your End of Day, it may not balance with the Accommodation section on the Actual & Forecast report. This could be due to an analysis code as per the below being in the group of Accommodation but the revenue type does not point to Accommodation.
Therefore on the End of Day it appears under the Accommodation section but;
when looking at the Actual & Forecast report the revenue will be under the other section.
Filters available: Property, Booking Status, Group Booking Status, Revenue (Bedroom/ Function/ Other), Room Type, Cumulative Revenue
Can Filters be saved: Yes
Are there hyperlinks: No
ARR, APR, Yield, Date, Available, Rooms Sold (Total, Individual, Multi-rooms & Blocks), Percentage Occupancy, Sleepers (Adults, Children & Infants), Revenue (Accommodation, F&B, Other & Total), ROOS, DFS, Waitlist
Can be compared with:
Waitlist - Number of bookings on the waitlist
ROOS - Number of rooms DFS & ROS
Room Usage - Last & Next DFS/ROOS Dates
Availability - Rooms Available & Occupancy
Key Performance, Revenue By (Rate Plan) – will show ARR & total revenue as same figures
Future Reservations - Revenue Total
Cannot be compared with:
Block Forecast - Actual & Forecast Includes picked up rooms in ‘Blocks’ Column
House Count - Actual & Forecast Includes picked up rooms in ‘Blocks’ Column
Occupancy - Actual & Forecast report has two decimal places, unlike the occupancy report which is rounded up to the nearest whole number.
Actual/Forecast: Both Actual & Forecast
Tax Calculation: Gross & Nett
Export Options:
Export to CSV with new fields
- Day of Week
- In Stock
- Rate Plan Revenue
- Blked
- Cumulative Revenue
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