The Planner is accessed from the Guest Journey Menu under the Property column. It displays reservations allocated to room IDs.
Although Reservations can also be made via the planner, it is not the same as Availability. Please see 'How to use the Availability Screen' article.
A lot of information can be viewed from the planner by changing some of the legend options as explained below.
The Start Date in the legend will default to the current date. It will pull through a default number of nights between 1 to 100 nights.
You can also filter by Room Type and Location and view Groups by selecting Group Mode.
The Group Mode option when ticked will allow you to view allocated multiroom and picked up group reservations easier on the planner. When you click on one allocated multiroom / group reservation, the other reservations part of the same group will highlight, whilst all other reservations will fade in the background.
Additional Legend Functions
The grey plus symbol next to the Refresh button on the right of the screen provides additional search filters such as; Order By, View Mode, Legend, Cleaning Codes, and Tag Options. You can also Filter by Room Attributes using the blue hyperlink and Show Unallocated Reservations by selecting the tick box.
Order by sorts the room IDs by the following;
- Numeric, Room ID
- Numeric, Room Type
- Numeric, Location
- Room ID
- Room Type
- Location
View displays information in the Planner by;
- Day - this is the default view mode.
- Month - will condense the information to display a month of date without scrolling across the screen.
- Daily Rate - displays the Rate Plan Code and Daily Rate.
Legend alters the Room ID view;
- Room ID - This is the default view when you use the Planner for the first time.
- Room ID & Room Type
- Room ID & Group
- Room ID, Room Type & Group
Cleaning Code shows the Room Status; Clean, Dirty etc. The status code determines the colour of the thin line which runs vertical next to the Room Legend.
Tag Options can be set to display differing information in the allocated reservation on the Planner. The default options are; Default, Basic, Standard, and Extended.
Filter by Room Attributes allows you to select pre-assigned room attributes to filter the rooms in the planner below based on attributes.
Show Unallocated will display all unallocated non-resident Reservations towards the bottom of the planner. Each Reservation will show parallel to an 'Unallocated' Room Type.
Once you have updated the search fields accordingly, please select the Refresh Button to view the updated information below. Selecting View will give you a variety of display formats.
Room IDs
Clicking on the Room ID will open a pop up which provides more information on the Room such as;
- Sub Group
- Room Type
- Owner Code
- Available from date
- Status
- Housekeeping Status
- Auto-Allocate Priority
- Smoking
- Next to Room ID
- Notes
- Room Images
- Room Attributes
Information such as Notes, Room Images and Room Attributes can be updated.
Special Events
When you view the planner for the first time, you will see the Dates across the top of the columns, and Room IDs to the right side along the rows. The first row(s) will display any Special Events. This information can also be seen on the Availability screen and Diary. Click here for more information on adding Special Events to the Planner.
Unallocated Reservations
Unallocated Residents will show at the top of the planner, below the legend. They detail the Guests name, Room Type, Company, BookRef, Arrival Date, Departure Date, and Rate Plan.
Unallocated Picked Up Reservations will display all unallocated non-resident Reservations towards the bottom of the planner parallel to an 'Unallocated' Room Type.
Allocating Reservations
There are a variety of ways to allocate a reservation to the planner.
- Select a blank cell parallel to your chosen the Room ID and under the date you wish to allocate the room. Left click and a Planner Options pop up should appear. Select 'Allocate Booking'. A 'Possible Allocation Results' box will open with two sections.
- The first will display an Reservations which match the selected Room Type. Select Allocate to assign the reservation to the selected Room ID.
- The second will display all Reservations which do not match the selected Room Type.
To allocate a Reservation to the selected Room ID click Allocate.
An 'Allocated Confirmation' query will open informing you of the rate difference for the New Room Type (if there is a difference in price). You have the option to Retain the Original Rate or Use the New Rate. If you chose the new rate, the system will re-calculate the rate based on the new room type.
- You can view all the Unallocated Reservations towards the bottom of the planner if the 'Show Unallocated' box is ticked in the legend. The reservation can be dragged and dropped to the relevant cell.
Unallocating Reservations
Reservations can be unallocated from the planner. Select the reservation, in the pop-up there is an 'unallocate' button towards the bottom right of the pop-up. Click to unallocate.
Allocated reservations can be dragged and dropped to other empty rooms. They do not have to be unallocated first.
Making a Reservation from the Planner
Should a guest require a specific room, it is possible to make a reservation direct into the Planner.
Select a white cell underneath the chosen date but parallel to your required Room ID. If the guest is staying for longer than one night you can by select a few days by holding your mouse down across the required date range.
A Planner Options Pop-up will appear giving you the option to Create a Reservation. Clicking on Create Reservation takes you to the Rate Search Screen.
Once saved your reservation will appear in the planner.
Room Maintenance
Individual Rooms can be put out of service and Maintenance Periods can be added from the Planner.
- To do so, select the Cell parallel to the required Room ID and under the relevant dates.
- A Planner Options pop-up will open. Select 'Create Maintenance Period'.
- A Date Specific Maintenance Box will open stating the Room ID and selected Start and End Date
- You can also assign the maintenance to a Rezlynx Operator, state the Maintenance Type, update the Status, decide on an Action and add maintenance notes.
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