To show deposits that are due to be paid on a particular date. If your property has Advanced Conference & Banqueting enabled you will not be able to view Event deposits in the ‘Functions’ header of this report. You will find these in Deposit Due (C&B)
Filters available: Booking Status, From Date, To Date, Order By (Due Date/ Surname/ Room ID/ Company/ Booking Reference)
Can Filters be saved: Yes
Are there hyperlinks: Yes
Due Date, Deposit Due, Deposit Outstanding, Title, Forename, Surname, Booking Reference, Ledger, Room ID, Adults, Children, Infants
Can be compared with:
The deposit due value on the reservation
Cannot be compared with:
Deposit Due in Advanced Conference & Banqueting.
Deposit Held – Deposit Held show deposits already taken, when deposit due shows ones still needed to be taken
Actual/Forecast: Both Actual & Forecast
Tax Calculation: Gross
Export Options: Export to CSV with no additional fields given
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