Viewing Revenue generated daily, weekly, monthly or yearly by analysis group & payments taken
Filters available: Property, For Period (End of Day, Week, Month, Year- Opened/ Closed) & Period ID, From Date, To Date
Can Filters be saved: No
Are there hyperlinks: No
Property, Date, Deposit Brought Forward, Ledger Brought Forward, In House Brought Forward, Total Brought Forward, Rooms Available, Rooms Sold, Occupancy Percentage, Yield, ARR, Totals per Analysis Group, Nett Total, Tax Total, Gross Total, Deposit Balance Actual, Ledger Balance Actual, In House Balance Actual, Total Balance Actual, Total Payments by Payment Type Group, Total Ledger Payments Received, Total Non-Ledger Payments Received, Total Payments Received, Balance
Can be compared with:
Period End Archive – When using Period ID filter, for values, ARR & Yield
Actual & Forecast – ARR will show for the day prior on Actual & Forecast to what is on Key Performance
Cannot be compared with:
Period End Archive - when using the date & not period ID as this shows the day prior on Key Performance
Actual/Forecast: Actual Only
Tax Calculation: Gross & Nett
Export Options: Cannot export to CSV
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