Viewing in detail the origin of all reservations- through the PMS, CRS or Roomlynx. For online bookings, it is also shown by which Channel it has come from.
Filters available: Property, Booking Date/ Arrival Date/ Departure Date, System Source, Channel. Accommodation Items Only, Rate Plan, Booking Status, Operator
Can Filters be saved: No
Are there hyperlinks: No
Source, Channel Description, Guest Name, Reservation Value, Room Type, PAX, Booking Date, Arrival Date, Departure Date, Nights, Booking Reference, Cancelled Value, Rate Plan, Operator
Can be compared with:
Statistics - Filtered by ‘No. of Nights’, ‘Created Operator’ & ‘Booking Date’ Total number of bookings will match
Cannot be compared with:
Actual/Forecast: Both Actual & Forecast
Tax Calculation: Gross
Export Options:
Export to CSV with new fields
- Market Segment (Source Code)
- Booking Status
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