To view guest details for reservations. Mostly used to check if profiles have been linked to a booking.
Filters available: Only show unlinked Folios, Bookings (Resident/ Arrival/ Departure), Folio (Lead Guest/ All Guests), Order By (Surname/ Booking Reference), Start Date
Can Filters be saved: Yes
Are there hyperlinks: Yes
Booking Reference, Folio, Profile Reference, Company, Title, Forename, Surname, Street, Postcode, Email
Can be compared with:
Guest List - when ‘Only show unlinked folios’ is not selected & only for Arrivals & Departures
Cannot be compared with:
Guest List – when ‘Only show unlinked folios’ is selected & for Residents (as it shows current on folios report)
Actual/Forecast: Actual Only
Tax Calculation: N/A
Export Options:
Export to CSV with new fields
- Address Line 2 & 3
- Town
- County
- Country
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