Custom PayLink
To add the PayLink into a Template Confirmation Email to send out to Guests, Navigate to the Cogs icon, under System Menu and click ‘Template Editor’.
Click on the existing template you wish to add the link into.
Click on the Body section of the email.
On the right hand side in the tags tab you will see an option for ‘PayLinks’.
Add this link into your email by double clicking. Save the Template.
This will now add the PayLink into the template. Which can now be sent out from the Print Option within the Reservation.
Dynamic PayLink
Within the Rezlynx Template Editor ensure your relevant confirmation template contains the tag of %AUTOPAYLINK%. Steps to insert the tag are as follows;
Navigate to ‘System>System>Template Editor’
Select an existing Confirmation Template or create a new one.
Click on the Body section
With the cursor positioned in the body section of where you want the URL to be inserted, double-click on the ‘AutoPayLink’ tag within the ‘Tags’ pane on the right side of the screen.
Save the Template.
It’s worth noting that the url can be hidden behind text similar to ‘Click Here to pay the balance of your booking’ rather than showing the entire Dynamic URL to the recipient. To do this, type in the desired text. For example ‘Click here to pay the balance of your booking’
Highlight your text then click on the ‘Insert Hyperlink’ icon.
In the pop-up type ‘%AUTOPAYLINK%’
Click ‘Insert Link’
You’ll now notice that the text is now a hyperlink.
Ensure you save the template
(It’s worth noting that prior to save you need to click somewhere else in the body text. Failure to do this will result in your changes not being committed).
Please note, images and fonts may change between system versions.
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