PayLink Overview Page
The PayLink Overview allows you to view all PayLink transactions and their current status if using the manual paylink option. This report will not populate any AutoPaylinks, if unpaid. AutoPaylinks do not carry the ability to forecast, and so will only display in the Paylink overview once paid.
To access the PayLink Overview, navigate to the Guest Journey icon, under the Billing menu, and click PayLink Overview.
The report will automatically default to today’s arrivals, with any PayLink Transactions due today in an unpaid status.
To Change the Filters navigate to the filters icon on the top left.
Filters can be easily removed by clicking the “X” on the filters at the top.
You can search by:
- booking ref
- arrival date
- departure date
- booking status
- balance due
- Paylink created date
- Paylink due date
- Paylink status
- Paylink settled date
You can then view the details of each PayLink transaction. You can also click on the blue hyperlink to access the reservation.
Other Reports
If a PayLink has been settled and paid these will appear in a number of reports.
- Payment Analysis on the Day that the Paylink has been settled. This can be used in your daily banking for reconciliation.
- The same Paylink payment will be visible in Trust Payments in your Transaction Search
- Any deposits will also show on your Deposits Held Report against the reservation.
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