Your Guestpay terminal will have the capabilities of changing between WIFI and alternative connection types.
Depending on the make/model of your terminal, this could either be switching to a LAN based connection or GPRS. The Guestpay Go Live Team and Guestline support can confirm what capabilities your machines have. Both alternatives can be used if there was ever the case of the WIFI Network temporarily being unavailable.
The model of the terminal can be seen at the top of the device, much like in the screenshots below which show the process from an Ingenico, going from WIFI to 4G.
Firstly, from the terminal home screen, select the 9 dot menu:
From there, go to 'Network' and 'Change Connectivity'
From there, you will have the options to change to either GPRS/LAN (depending on device model) or back to WIFI, should you already be on an alternative connection:
Once you have established a connection, you can do a test by selecting 'handshake' from the main menu - this bounces a connection from the machine to Trust's POS managers 'AEVI', to ensure a secure connection is present for payments:
To verify a successful connection:
Select Menu or Quick Menu
If handshake is approved the internet connection is established.
If Handshake Fails return to Network, Settings and check your credentials
Should you require any further support with establishing a connection on the machine, please contact
It may be handy to have your serial number and/or Terminal ID to hand before contacting support, just to aid the teams in verifying your device and ensuring they provide advice specific to that terminal. This can be found by going to 'Version' from the 9 dot menu screen.
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