The Product must be built in Rezlynx PMS before proceeding with the below instructions. Further details can be found here
Distribution Hub > Channels > Booking Modules > Upsells
- Select the Property you would like to add the upsell to
- Click Add, and complete the following fields:
Code - Rezlynx Product Code (must match identically)
Name - The Name of the upsell
Description - The text that will appear used to describe the upsell in more detail
Date Range - The dates that the product will be available between
Day of Week (DOW) - The days of the week the upsell will be available for purchase
Charge on Prepayment - Should the upsell be available on a rate plan that has pre-payment config attached, ticking this box will add the value of the upsell to the pay now amount
Charge Mode - How the product will charge to the reservation (must match Rezlynx identically)
Posting Mode - When the product will post to the reservation (must match Rezlynx identically)
Value - Currently Fixed is the only option here
Amount - The amount the upsell will cost/add to the reservation
Display Order - Should you have multiple upsells assigning it the order will make your upsells appear in this order
Notes - To appear on confirmation/Distribution Hub notes
Picture - The picture that will be used to promote this upsell. Further details here
Rate Plans - Drag across here all the rate plans you wish for the upsell to be made available on
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