Here is a handy guide to explain your transaction headers
Total Accepted Transactions | The aggregated amount of all transactions successfully accepted for processing and submitted to interchange (Purchase, Refund, CFT/OCT) before any fees |
Reprocessed Merchant Rejects | Front end rejected transactions from earlier dates that were successfully reprocessed and submitted to interchange |
Chargebacks | The aggregated amount of all chargebacks and representments |
Trans fee | Sum of all fixed base fees charged for transactions processed in RAM OmniPay (Purchase, Refund, CFT/OCT) |
Assessment fee | Applicable to merchants set on unblended tariff (Interchange ++) -merchant service fee charged by ECP in addition to the interchange fee |
Chargeback Fee | Fixed base fee charged per incoming chargeback |
Merchant Price Interchange | The aggregated amount of all interchange fees charged for transactions processed in RAM OmniPay |
Retrieval Request Fees | Fixed base fee per request for copy from the issuer |
Min Processing Fee | The Minimum Monthly Processing Fee (see attached Word Doc) |
Account Startup Fee | Fee charged when a new merchant is boarded |
Per Tran Amt Fee | Fixed base fee charged per Purchase and CFT/OCT transaction |
Per Tran Fee 1 | Another option for Per Tran Fees but we do not use it |
Per Tran Fee 2 | Another option for Per Tran Fees but we do not use it |
Gateway Fee | Another option for Per Tran Fees but we do not use it |
Monthly Service Charge | Monthly management fee which is charged at the end of every month until the account is active |
Monthly Fee | An optional Monthly Fee but we currently do not use it (plans to use it for certain Crypto-related Fees) |
Annual Fee | A Fee charged Annualy to the MID (as per contract) |
PCI Monthly Fee | A Fee charged monthly for any merchant who uses our PCI Portal / requires our PCI services (as per contract) |
PCI Yearly Fee | Annual version to the above but we don't use this and only use the Monthly |
Merchant Reserve | This is the amount held as a Fixed Reserve (should a Fixed Reserve be scheduled) |
Consolidated Auth Fee | Fixed base fee charged per authorization request |
MC Xborder SEPA Inter EU | This is the fee automatically charged by OmniPay for MasterCard Cross-Border Card Scheme Fees (we can trigger this on and off on our end) |
Wire Fee | The Wire Transfer Fee for each payment scheduled |
Merchant Rolling Reserve | % of the net settlement retained for a certain period retained for 6 or more months |
Merchant Rolling Reserve Reversal | Reversal of rolling reserve transaction |
Visa EU Intl Acq Fee | This is the fee automatically charged by OmniPay for Visa International Acquiring Fee (we can trigger this on and off on our end) |
Visa Intl Ecom Fee | This is the fee automatically charged by OmniPay for Visa International Ecommerce Fee (we can trigger this on and off on our end) |
MC Intl Ecom Fee | This is the fee automatically charged by OmniPay for MasterCard Ecommerce Fee (we can trigger this on and off on our end) |
Cross Border Fees | Scheme fees that ECP pass on to the merchant |
Merchant Fee Collection | Related to Disputes where Acquirers / Issuers may debit or credit a merchant saccount for Dispute-related items |
VISA_AUTH_FEES | The Visa Authorization Fees charged to the MID (see supporting doc) |
Manual Adjustments | Miscellaneous manual adjustments against a merchant’s account (e.g. wire fees, FX adjustments, offsets, etc.) |
322 Balance Sheet | Pre-compliance and pre-arbitration cases with MasterCard This can also be used for reprocessing of Interchange Rejects (i.e. rejects coming from the Card Schemes) |
Other Postings | If a transaction does not go under any of the above categories than it goes to Other Postings |
Calculated payment | The sum of all debit and credit records for certain period (could be longer or shorter than settlement period) |
Calculated Payment - Local | The Calculated Payment in GBP |
Actual Payment | The payment released to the merchant (for the relevant settlement period) |
Actual Payment - Local | The Actual payment in GBP |
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