This session is designed to cover of Rates from the very beginning. If you just need some shorter specific information take a look as some of our other videos focusing on specific areas
00:38 Creating a new flex rate table
03.45 Exporting/importing flex rate exceptions using excel
04:30 Creating a rate rule
05.46 Creating the rate code itself
10:28 Creating a static rate table (non-flex) - Example of Corporate Rate
12:32 Advanced Banded Rate Rule (Creating bands)
18:35 Creating a new product
20:24 Creating a new product rule
20:20 Using 'Test Rate Plan'
24:54 Adding a company to a rate plan
25:30 How shift allowances work with rate plans: simple posting mode
39:07 Different options within shift allowances posting modes
44:50 Supplements
59:40 Additional tabs on a rate plan: Users, Translations and Variances
1.03:06 Preparing a rate to sell online
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