In todays world, we understand how important it is to provide the best service possible to a customer and give them flexibility and control over how they pay.
That's why, as a Guestpay customer, you have the option to enable DCC (Direct Currency Conversion) on your Guestpay card terminals. This is normally decided during the application process, however you can enable this at a later time by speaking to the Guestline support teams.
What is DCC?
DCC allows for international card holders to have the control to pay in their home currency at the point-of-sale (e.g. American customers can pay in either US dollars or Pounds)
Is it Available for all Card Types?
DCC is supported for Visa and Mastercard (including international Maestro) - AMEX is not currently supported.
Are there any Extra Charges after the Transaction?
The amount quoted at the time of the sale or point-of-sale is the final amount the cardholder will be charged in their home currency.
Benefits to the Customer?
Customers benefit from a competitive exchange rate, sourced from Reuters, and they have the added assurance of knowing that the amount quoted will be the amount seen on their bank statements when they get home. Customers know exactly what they are paying and have the control to make the decision themselves
And the Benefits to you?
Aside from the added service value provided to your customers, you will also get a % of every transaction - as laid out in your agreement signed prior to go live. These commissions will be paid to you regularly and can be seen in Omnipay.
Assisting with Reconciling
Payments where DCC has been used can be viewed within MyST, with extra fields which can help with viewing and understanding the amounts:
From your transaction search, go to 'Fields' and you'll see 'DCC Details'. Here, you can select fields which customise the data accordingly:
Some particular DCC Fields that could come in handy include:
DCC Amount: This will show the original GBP Value (if purchasing from the UK) against the customer's home currency in which they have selected to pay
DCC Offered: The most common one you'll see will be '1 - DCC Converted', which means the customer was offered the conversion and chose this option when paying. You may also see '3 - Convertible but Declined by the Cardholder', this means the customer could have chosen to have paid in their native currency but chose GBP
If you require any support reconciling these, please contact and for any further information on DCC and what it means for you, please contact
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